University of Bradford, Electrical and Electronic Engineering (Lielbritānija)
Well, basically, teaching process depends on the student himself, because 2/3 of learning time is for home-studies. What concerns University and its teachers - they are helpful, ready to help you if you don't understand something. Labs are important not because they will be assessed, but because they give you more or less clear picture of what you study and what books (!) are telling you about. I just wanted to express my gratitude for helping me send all of those loans and bursary papers in time, cause most of the students which came here, didn't have a loan, so they had to do it quickly. And those of them who were late even a little now are charged with 500£. In advance, thanks for interest in my studies, I really appreciate that.
Lai iegūtu sīkāku informāciju par izglītību ārzemēs (studiju programmas, valstis, iestāšanās prasības, mācību maksa, dzīvošanas iespējas utt.) aicinām pierakstīties uz konsultāciju, zvanot pa tālruni +371 29131882 vai rakstot e-pastu uz linkturs@linkturs.lv. Pirmo konsultāciju piedāvājam bez maksas.